Most Important Topics in JEE Main & Advanced – Syllabus & Weightage

Studying the vast topics in all 3 subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Maths is not less than a humongous task.

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And to complete all this huge syllabus in 1 or 2 years, you need to study smart – concentrate on topics that are tough and have more weightage and let go of topics that are not needed at all.

  1. Important Physics topics for JEE
    1. By Syllabus Weightage
    2. By average Number of questions asked in past JEE Main / Advanced papers
  2. Chemistry – Important topics for JEE Main & Advanced
    1. By Syllabus Weightage
    2. By Number of questions in past JEE papers
  3. Maths – important topics
    1. By Syllabus Weightage
    2. By average Number of questions asked

A huge disclaimer before we begin – JEE (Joint entrance exam) is a 50 – 50 shot at predictability. What does this mean?

Even though there are topics that have less weightage from JEE standpoint, you still need to study them as you never know – You might end up getting an entire 10% of a subject from one of the least expected sections.

So, do not waste a single moment of these 2 years of your JEE Preparation, study, solve problems, revise and most important of all – stay calm.

“I was going through online forums and to my surprise, students are asking the same questions over and over again when they get overwhelmed with JEE Syllabus. Do you know what these questions are?”

“What are some of the most important and heavily weighted chapters for JEE Advanced (subject wise)”

“Which chapters are important for JEE mains and advance 2019”

“Is gravitation one of the most important chapters for JEE-Advanced?”

“I have only one year for my JEE Main 2019 preparation. Which topics should I focus more to get good marks in JEE Main 2019 exam?”

Do you see what is common – everyone wants to focus just on the important topics and skip other topics. This is something you should try not to do – you must study all the topics in the syllabus and lay more stress on the important topics.

Lets start by taking a look at the important topics for Physics in JEE Main & Advanced

Important topics for Physics in JEE Main & Advanced

The physics portion for JEE has 20 chapters, all in all, that have to be covered over 2 years time. Of these 20 chapters, there are 10 topics which you should spend good amount of time on:

  • Dimensional Analysis – Although a very easy chapter but knowing correct units and dimensions for physical quantities can easily help you to eliminate options in multiple choice type of questions
  • Gravitation & Electrostatics – These chapters are conceptually similar to each other (in terms of attractive forces concepts)
  • Current Electricity & Heat Transfer – again these are conceptually similar to each other. So, when you read these chapter watch out for the similarities (which might be deceiving at times)
  • Electromagnetic Induction, Waves & Sound
  • Geometrical Optics , Thermodynamics
  • Kinetic Theory of Gases, Rotational Dynamics


List of important Physics Topics for JEE 2019 By Syllabus Weightage

These 3 are the most basic concepts that you  ought to know. You can expect at-least 1 question from these topics:

  • Units and Dimensions – Weightage: 2%
  • Measurement of Errors – Weightage: 2%
  • Vectors

These topics are classified as fundamentals in physics. You can expect 1 – 2 questions from this section on an actual JEE Paper.

  • Kinematics – Weightage: 1%
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion – Weightage: 4%
  • Friction

These 5 topics are important & easy and can help your score high marks very easily in the JEE:

  • Work, Energy and Power – Weightage: 5%
  • Electrostatics – Weightage: 6%
  • Current Electricity – Weightage: 7%
  • Wave Optics – Weightage: 5%
  • Ray Optics – Weightage: 6%

These 9 topics are absolutely important for JEE. You can expect twisted questions from these sections, so its very important you know your basics well and practice a hell lot! You can expect 2 – 3 questions from most of the topics listed below.

  • Centre of Mass, Momentum and Collision – Weightage: 5%
  • Rotational Dynamics – Weightage: 4%
  • Simple Harmonic Motion – Weightage: 5%
  • Fluid Mechanics – Weightage: 2 – 5%. Bernoulli’s principle can be easily twisted to ask some tricky questions.
  • Wave Motion and String Waves – Weightage: 5%
  • Magnetism – Weightage: 6%
  • Heat & Thermodynamics – Weightage: 6%. This is one topic that is very important for both Physics and Chemistry preparation in JEE.
  • Nuclear Physics – Weightage: 5%
  • Modern Physics – Weightage: 5%

According to Pankhuri K (BIT Mesra, Architecture) concepts like SHM (Simple Harmonic Motion) were used even in her engineering studies. She also recommends watching tutorial videos for getting clearer conceptual understanding.

And finally, here is a list of the topics that you should study atleast once and try to create cheat-sheets or flashcards to help your revise the formulas. You can expect 3 – 4 questions mix and match from the topics below.

  • Circular Motion – Weightage: 1%
  • Gravitation – Weightage: 1%
  • Properties of Matter, Elasticity  – Weightage: 2%
  • Sound Waves
  • Electromagnetic Induction – Weightage: 3%
  • Alternating Current  – Weightage: 1%
  • Heat Transfer
  • Calorimetry
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermo Electricity
  • Semiconductors and Electronic Devices – Weightage: 5%
  • Communication Systems – Weightage: 2%

MeritNation Expert Payal Krishnan says that JEE Advanced has some different syllabus requirements from JEE Main and students should make sure they study all the topics and not skip things trying to do selective study.

She also adds that this will help students after they qualify JEE Main as they would not have to spend extra time for JEE Advanced preparation

By average Number of questions asked in past JEE Main / Advanced Physics papers:

  • Current Electricity: 8 questions asked on the actual JEE paper each year on an average
  • Electrostatics: 4 questions
  • Optics: 3 questions
  • Heat and Thermodynamics:  2 questions
  • Law of Motion: 2 questions
  • Waves: 2 questions
  • Simple Harmonic Motion: 2 questions

You can expect some more questions (mix and match) from the other topics in the syllabus.

Some Physics books that toppers suggest: Best Physics books for JEE Main 2019

Important topics for Maths in JEE Main & Advanced

Mathematics is the foundation of complex engineering calculations. You must make your Math fundas strong if you want to pursue any engineering field out there be it Computer Science or Mechanical Engineering.

One thing you must understand early on is that Math is one subject where you can master yourself only by more and more practice. Some Physics & Chemistry problems can be solved just by knowing formulae, but Maths – you gotta practice hard and practice smart!

The JEE Syllabus for Maths has close to 15 chapters which you have to cover over a period of 2 years (Class 11 and Class 12).

Unlike Physics or Chemistry, there is no such section that you could probably skip to concentrate on the important topics as in Maths, there is nothing called a very important or a less important topic. Everything is dependent on one another, so you will be better off practicing problems from all the 15 chapters in the Maths syllabus for JEE.

List of important Topics in Maths for JEE 2019 By Syllabus Weightage

These topics have been classified as fundamentals in Maths. You can expect 1 – 2 questions from these topics in the Maths section on your JEE paper.

  • Inverse Trigonometric Functions – Weightage: 2%
  • Circles and Family of Circles – Weightage: 6%
  • Sequence and Series – Weightage: 5%

These 4 topics are important & easy and you should use them to your advantage to increase your JEE Math scores. Do not do silly mistakes from questions in these sections.

  • Applications of Derivative – Weightage: 4%
  • Limit and Continuity – Weightage: 3%
  • Matrices and Determinants – Weightage: 4%
  • Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines – Weightage: 2%

Manoj Sharma (NIT Durgapur, Comp. Sci.) says “I used solve 3 – 4 questions daily from different topics so that I could keep myself in rhythm with all the topics before the actual JEE”.

These 7 topics are absolutely important for JEE Maths. As it is, you can expect questions of varied difficulty from the topics in this section. For JEE Main 2019, 2 – 3 questions from most of the topics listed below are expected on the paper.

  • 3-D Geometry  – Weightage: 5% Questions from this topic are generally straight forward so you can solve them easily by reading the questions properly.
  • Probability and Statistics  – Weightage: 7%. I was weak in probability and paid the price for this. You should therefore try to familiarise yourself with various types of questions in Probability.
  • Vector Algebra  – Weightage: 5%
  • Integration  – Weightage: 8% (Definite + Indefinite integration)
  • Complex Numbers  – Weightage: 5%
  • Parabola  – Weightage: 3%
  • Trigonometric Ratios  – Weightage: 3%

And finally, here is a list of the topics that you should study atleast once and try to create cheat-sheets or flashcards to help your revise the formulas. You can expect 3 – 4 questions mix and match from the topics below.

  • Logarithms  – Weightage: 1%
  • Quadratic Equations
  • Theory of Equations  – Weightage: 5%
  • Sets, Relations and Functions  – Weightage: 4%
  • Differentiation  – Weightage: 2%
  • Permutation and Combination  – Weightage: 2%. You should study this properly as concepts from this section will be needed in Probabilty
  • Binomial Theorem  – Weightage: 1%
  • Locus
  • Hyperbola  – Weightage: 2%
  • Ellipse  – Weightage: 2%
  • Fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Solution of Triangle  – Weightage: 1%

By average Number of questions asked in previous year JEE Main / Advanced Maths papers:

  • Coordinate Geometry – 7 Questions were asked on an average every year in the JEE
  • Continuity/ Differentiability, Limits – 3 Questions
  • Complex No., Quadratic Equation – 3 Questions each
  • Integral Calculus – 3 Questions
  • Sequence and Series – 2 Questions
  • Trigonometry – 2 Questions

Related: Best Maths books for JEE Mains 2019, 2020

Important topics for Chemistry in JEE Main & Advanced

There are 25 chapters (or topics) in the prescribed syllabus for Chemistry in JEE Main & Advanced. I was one of those students who was not a big fan of Chemistry but still managed to get a decent score. How?

Well, Chemistry is one of those subjects which you can study selectively and still aim for a cent percent marks. This is because most of the concepts in Chemistry revolve around bond formation, breaking and the periodic table.

So, if your fundamentals in these topics are rock-solid then your life will be so easy while you prepare for your JEE Main or advanced exam.

Here is a brief overview of the important topics in Chemistry:

  • Chemical Bonding & the periodic table – This is by far the most fundamental and the most important topics in Chemistry. If you can master Chemical Bonding and the properties of periodic table elements, then Chemistry will be an easy subject for you over many years to come.
  • Carbonyl Compounds & their derivatives
  • Redox reactions, Mole Concept & the concept of equivalents
  • Solid state, solutions & gases theory
  • Thermochemistry & the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Remember, I had told you about this in the Physics section)

List of important Topics in Chemistry for JEE 2019 By Syllabus Weightage

Fundamental Concepts:

  • IUPAC Nomenclature
  • Periodic Table
  • Chemical Bonding – Weightage: 5%. Like I mentioned earlier, Chemical Bonding and periodic table is one of the strongest pillars of your CHemistry conceptual understanding. You can easily get top ranks by making sure your concepts are crystal clear in this topic.

Important, and you can score high marks easily

  • Mole Concept – Weightage: 2%
  • Co-ordination Chemistry – Weightage: 5%
  • Alcohol, Phenols and Ethers – Weightage: 7%
  • p-Block elements – Weightage: 5%

Important, with High Weightage

  • Atomic Structure – Weightage: 5%
  • Gaseous State – Weightage: 3%
  • Hydrocarbons – Weightage: 2%
  • Aldehydes and Ketones – Weightage: 5%
  • d & f Block Elements – Weightage: 5%
  • General Organic Chemistry – Weightage: 7%

Other topics

  • Chemical Equilibrium – Weightage: 3%
  • Ionic Equilibrium – Weightage: 3%
  • Thermodynamics – Weightage: 5%
  • Hydrogen and its Compounds
  • s-Block Elements – Weightage: 5%
  • Isomerism of Organic Compounds
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Solid State
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Electrochemistry – Weightage: 2%
  • Solutions
  • Qualitative Salt Analysis
  • Alkyl Halides and Aryl Halides
  • Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives
  • Amines – Weightage: 2%
  • Biomolecules – Weightage: 1%
  • Polymers – Weightage: 1%
  • Metallurgy
  • Surface Chemistry – Weightage: 2%
  • Chemistry in Everyday Life – Weightage: 2%

I have left out the weightage values for some of the topics above as not many questions were seen from them in JEE papers in the last few years but that does not mean you skip them totally.

Schedule your time effectively so that you can cover all these topics as well.

By average Number of questions asked in previous year JEE Main / Advanced Chemistry papers:

  • Transition Element and Coordination Chemistry – 3 questions are asked each year on an average in JEE
  • Periodic Table and Representative Elements – 3 questions
  • Gaseous State – 2 questions
  • Atomic structure – 2 questions
  • Amines – 2 questions
  • Solution and Colligative Properties – 2 questions
  • General Organic Chemistry – 2 questions
  • Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives – 1 question
  • Hydrocarbons – 1 question
  • Carbohydrate, Amino Acids and Polymer – 1 question

Topper’s recommendation: Best Checmistry Books for JEE 2019

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  • Abhi singh -

    Your Message… (*) i m afraid from organic chemistry through which book i should prepare to understand concept of rxn of organic chemistry

  • anand pathak -

    Your Message… (*)sir mai 2016 jee main ke liye pcm ke liye koun-koun si book padhu jinse 2016 me question puche jayenge

  • Deesha Chavan -

    Respected sir…
    There is gap of some 48 days between jee mains and advance ‛‚ please suggest some tips to study and about study plan during this time .

    • Sumit Gupta -

      For chemistry you can read ncert textbook line by line, and for maths you should buy cengage book. It has all concepts for jee mains and advanced with sufficient amount of practice questions and examples with solutions.
      By the way I am also preparing for jee mains and advanced 2017.

    • prem sai nath -

      Std 12th Boards books (most important) Concepts of Physics – HC Verma Physics – Resnich Halliday Physical Chemistry – OP Tondon Numerical Chemistry – P Bahadur Organic Chemistry – Morrison / Boyd Mathematics – Cengage Learning Trignometry, Coordinate Geometry – SL Loney Algebra – Hall and Knight Calculus – Thomas and Finney

  • Sumit Gupta -

    For chemistry you can read ncert textbook line by line, and for maths you should buy cengage book. It has all concepts for jee mains and advanced with sufficient amount of practice questions and examples with solutions.
    By the way I am also preparing for jee mains and advanced 2017.

  • Veesha -

    I am going to appear for her in 2017 I wasted the whole 2015 atleast I want to study hard in 2016 please give me some tips to improve my physics and maths and how should I complete my previous chapters please help me

  • Abhay kumar -

    Try to “Make you perfect” then you made better but if you practising for”better”then you are actually becoming “good”.so stay calm and hard.

  • Maltesh -

    I am gonna complete my 12th in March 2016 and I have not prepared for JEE mains , so I am thinking to study 1 year only for JEE mains and write it on 2017 , but I heard that on October 2016 JEE mains and JEE advance are gonna change to NAT , how is it going to affect my gap between pre university and engineering .

  • Ravi -

    Respected sir we all know that in 11 class we take rest but just entering in 12 we starts taking stress so how we maintain this and study for selection

  • Jatin -



    • khushbu jangid -

      U should repeat ur 11th ncert portion like as newton law, differentiation, integration, organic chemistry, permutations and combinations etc. And focus on ur 12th ncert portion

    • venkat -

      no problem
      in maths be perfect in
      3D geometry,vector algebra, matrices,Co ordinate geometry, limits, integration. probability
      in physics
      electricity part. mechanics.units and dimensions
      in chemistry you have in trust then go some important concepts like hybridisation. coloured compounds.isomerism

      it is enough to cracking jee main easily to get 50 % marks successful
      but be sure in this topics☺

  • Madhumita gupta -

    In 2017 board exam is board marks weightage excluded from jee mains and advanced level? which book is perfect for preparation of physics in jee advance level?

  • Madhumita gupta -

    Is board marks weightage excluded from jee mains and advanced level in 2017? Which physics book is perfect for preparation of physics in jee advance level?

  • sahil singh -

    thanks buddy but whether its possible that someone can crack IIT in 10 days if yes can you recommend me the books

  • siddanshu. talesara -

    I’m also prepare in IIT for 10 days so I’m study in maths rd Sharma whole and in chem.ncrt line by line and in physics SL arora imp questions

  • sai -

    to maintain good score in maths plz practice chapters like integrals,probability,vector algebra,trigonometry,circles,matrices,binomial,complex no’s&derivatives .by practicing these chapters u will conseed 53% in maths.Approximately.,70/120.

  • Shanz -

    I have cengage,ncert ,hcv, and few others,,,
    but I didn’t have any foundation course in 8,9 ,10 standard
    those who had joined, they easily solve the problems…
    what do they do in those foundation classes bcoz of which they can easily crack the question pattern and become victorious…. I strongly need ur advice about what to clear the fundamentals for jee…..

    • k.v.r naik -

      U may get some knowledge by now .Try your best for this year .If u didn’t get satisfactory success,go to long term corce

  • rishabh mishra -

    how to crack jee mains without coaching if i want to get admitted in delhi technological university and what min. marks and max. rank should i score so as to get admitted in dtu

  • kratika -

    Your Message… (*) mainai abi 12th board diyai hai… nd mainai competition ki tyari ni kii bt i want to score good marks in jee how can i do… in one week

  • shraddha sahu -

    only 2 days are left and i had only studied 12th chapters but 11th syllabus is not clear to me….can i get 120 or above in jee mains 2016 plzz rply me fast ..

  • Ravi -

    I have done all chapters this year but I am scared if I fail to recall them at the right time …what should I do to revise

  • saisupraj -

    Your Message… (*)how to Crack jee in one year. Am 2nd year now. Am nt perfect in first year. Please suggest me good books to Crack.

  • Meet -

    Which books I should prefer to get above 150marks in jee mains. I have full on year. I did not practice in 11 for Jee mains

    • Ankit Sarkar -

      Yupp bro.. Jee is all about concepts.. If u know how problems work.. Then u can.. I did cleared my jee on my own..

  • dipjyoti sarma -

    I want to crack at least JEE mains xm…what kind of refrnce books should I follow….now m in 2nd year but…I hdnt read carefully last year…can I do it? plz help

  • Ankit Sarkar -

    I just cracked jee mains by my own.. Now its time for advance.. And i month is left.. Would u recommend me some gud books to prepare for advance which will help me to know the concepts and criteria..

  • Ankit Sarkar -

    I didnt prepare for mains and cleared but i know advance cant be cracked without preparing.. So tell me some gud books with easy language to help me out with concepts frm advance syllabus wise..

  • S.chandrasekhar -

    Can you tell me 3 good books I should practice from so as to clear it Jew mains as well as advanced

  • Hrishikesh Bania -

    I scored 91 in jee mains and I m from SC category.. board % is 69 from SEBA board ..will I get a seat in any nit ?

  • Nitesh sharma -

    Your Message… (*)You buy cengage math book which has all concept . I think it is best book for main &advance

    • Shyam Bahmani -

      Pradeep k chakkar mein na padd desi explanation he. Hc Verma phy , arihant series maths ki aur jd Lee physical Chem ki. Yeh padh

  • sakshi -

    We have unavailability of professional teachers n hav to prepare for selection in iist so wtbooks refer n proper strategy for qualified it
    I m in 12th n hav 1 year
    Plz guide me by giving this answers

  • Bontu srilekha -

    I’m studying 12th class in hostel appearing in 2017 but I’m still worried about my work schedule please give any suggestion. What reference books are better for this exam

  • shivam kumar seth -

    I’m 12 passout batch preparing for jee ……
    I’m generally focus on school material…
    and some competitor book like hc verma , cengage for maths ….
    but I’m not satisfied……..
    I think always another book…..

  • anjali Verma -

    How to prepare organic chemistry for iit 2017 … mjhe aadhi cheje smjh nai aati… aur jo smajh aati hai wo yad nai rhti…

  • khushbu jangid -

    Yarr please help me m bhi 12th k saath jee main exams crack krna chahti hu but darr lagta hai ki main ki wjh se khi board ka exam na bigad jaye so can u tell me what I do

  • Maryam Mumtaz -

    I am pass out 12 this year on up board sir plz tell me good books for prepare jee mains nd without tution or coaching we r braek this xam plz reply

  • Rohit kumar -

    l am very confused in this time while board exam will coming please give me suggestion how to prepare board exam with jee

  • hahahha.....kar le iit -

    fuck IIT u should commit suicide…..people like you should suck my dick….and rub your balls against the wall

  • Harsh sheoran -

    I am studying Rd sharma objective for maths hc Verna for physics ncert for chemistry . how many marks can I score in IIT main

  • bharadwaj -

    please recommend any good book for practice…for each topic like mechanics all the
    3 subjects…please recommend the most important book needed for practice

  • sandeep sharma -

    Hallo sir
    Please sir all information online look me please send my email all Jo sir net pa dekarahai send my mail

  • Nandini -

    I wanted to crack iit but how i can’t understand that how to study n what to study n books which are helpful in the prepartion of iit

    • Shyam Bahmani -

      Phy- H.c Verma for basics and erodov(for geniuses only)
      Maths – Arihant series is good.
      Chem – physical- J.D. LEE
      baaqi Chem ki organic chemistry aur inorganic chemistry ki books ki knowledge ni he meko Voh aap dekh lo.

  • Thejaswini. Murugesh -

    I am an diploma In civi engg. student want to persive b.arch in iit..Pls help me by guiding how to clear the whole series of jee… pls

  • Munazir -

    IIT is not so easy to crack ,,, okkkk by so much hard work also have doubts that can u crack or not ,, so leave phones and Internet and focus in all of our IIT syllabus ,,thnx

  • Shyam Bahmani -

    Dekho Bhaiyo. Main IIT 2015-2016 rank 2 se personally Mila hu hum Chandigarh se hi he na. Usne kaha k IIT Wale yeh check krenge k tumne apne do saal ki knowledge Ko 9 ghnte mein kaise practically on the spot. Bs.

  • Sunny Mondal -

    I’m a student of class IX in a CBSE school and I wish to get a good rank in IIT-JEE after my class XII.So should I start preparing for the same from right now….Please give me some tips….

  • Ram Rana -

    It is very very difficult but not impossible to get good rank in jee 2017 when u start preparing from first day of January 2017 my tip is chemistry is good scoring and somewhat easy to learn and after maths.In this also u should go with the most weightage topics at first and finally the easy score gaining topics in physics.But if u r really good in physics then three go with three subjects with equal importance.Your concentration,dedication,hardwork only leads to crack jee 2017.All the best bro.AND FINALLY U SHOULD BELIEVE IN YOURSELF…..

  • Ram Rana -

    It is very very difficult but not impossible to get good rank in jee 2017 when u start preparing from first day of January 2017 my tip is chemistry is good scoring and somewhat easy to learn and after maths.In this also u should go with the most weightage topics at first and finally the easy score gaining topics in physics.But if u r really good in physics then go with three subjects with equal importance.Your concentration,dedication,hardwork only leads to crack jee 2017.All the best bro.AND FINALLY U SHOULD BELIEVE IN YOURSELF…..

  • Aravraj Chhabra -

    I have started for jee mains 2k17 in month of January after a gap of 2 years, when I acquired the book, I was totally absent and there’s nothing that was known to me. How much maximum can I score..


    Can u please tell me which book is best to refer the concepts of physics chemistry and maths for mains and also for advance

  • Rituraj prabhakar -

    I am only read my 12th class notebook and ALLEN institute material.

    I am study only 9 hours in a day. 3 hours physics 3 hrs che and 3 hrs math.

  • saifullah -

    I want to ask something. My concepts are clear enough but i hvn’t solved numericals till now.. Can i still crack JEE Main which is after 20 days

  • varshik nath -

    hi mam …today 15th of march…according to changed objective exam pattern…first screening test will be in month of december or November…. i have completed my conceptual revision for class 11 …but no practice…i have i have nearly 8 months excluding unconditional leaves….so how i should start my preparation to complete my class 12 concept and 11 &12 class preparation. ? which books i firstly prefer….reply to my mail….advance thanks for sending me reply….

  • Arima Chezhian -

    Guys I am starting 12th as of today 22nd march well I have studied something until now but consider I haven’t started serious preparation if I have to crack JEE MAINS what should I do

  • dhanush -

    respected sir..
    i am not perfect in class 11 concepts which what should i do to strengthen my key concepts and what is all i need to do in class 12 to crack mains with good rank please…… help sir please feeling streesed and frightened whether ill crack mains or not

  • Ankit R -

    Today is 7 may 2017… and im scared of JEE advanced.. i KNOW NOTHING about any of the 3 subjects … im SC category candidate.. PLS tell somethiing .. from which i can just clear the CUT OFF marks.. PLS PLS

    • Meghana Pathrikar -

      Morning 2 hrs and evening 3 hrs are more than enough if u study with full concentration remember quality study matters not quantity studies

  • Rimjhim Dubey -

    It’s July 2017. I was loose with my studies last year but now i want to crack JEE-MAINS with good marks. How many hours should I study to achieve that and in what pattern?

  • Rimjhim Dubey -

    I always hear that to crack a competitive exam you need not only do hard work but also ‘smart study’. What exactly is ‘smart study’ and how can i do that if I want to crack JEE-MAINS by good marks in 8 months?

  • Srivishnu -

    Hiii thanks for giving a useful massage for us . could u plz send me the important chapters and weightage in all subjects to my gmail ID vijaya8143007207

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